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Van Gogh (Original title)
Dates: 1990 (Copyright), 20 July 1990 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Anna Benson Gyles

Synopsis: Drama-documentary about Van Gogh and his life, tracing the time he spent in the Borinage, helping the miners, preaching and being rejected by the religious authorities, his emergence as a painter and his time in Paris. It also tells of his relationships with the different women in his life, and also with his brother Theo.


Gogh, Vincent van (1853-1890), Dutch painting, Post-impressionism

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 20 July 1990not specifiedTransmission time: 22:20Runtime: 100 mins Network - Language: English - Colour

Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (2)
In: Radio Times v266 n3474 14 Jul 1990  Page: 12
Title: [Radio Times - v266 n3474 14 Jul 1990: no known title]Language: English
Description: Brief article looking at Roache's role as Vincent Van Gogh in the programme.

In: Time Out n1039 18 Jul 1990  Page: 45
Title: [Time Out - n1039 18 Jul 1990: no known title]Article type: ArticleLanguage: English